Dynamic Team Diagnostic
Quickly eradicate dysfunction to create highly effective teams
The cost of poor communication
Poor communication is very expensive; in the UK, the cost to businesses is the equivalent of £7,675* per employee per year. Ineffective meetings are a big waste of time and money. Yet also one of the easiest places to intervene and discover what’s going wrong. The return on investment for fixing these issues is very big.
The Dynamic Diagnostic Process

Provide audio recording of 5 meetings

We analyse the interactions

Identify the challenges

Get a straightforward action plan
Record 5 meetings, we only need audio but you can use zoom or whatever suits you.
Send the recordings to me using the zoom link or wetransfer etc to lisa@the-organization.com.
We will analyse the recordings and provide a report with action points.
A 30 min follow-up call for feedback on the report and any questions.
Quick and easy
Developing an awareness of the dynamics of team interactions in a meeting, will reveal some of the fundamental challenges to high performance. Not only is it easy to do, it’s also a quick way to find out what is going on and what is causing the problems.
What I will do
By analysing the interactions in just 5 meetings, I will be able to tell you exactly what isn’t working and how to fix it. And the way I’ll do this is to identify the points where intervention will be most valuable and the best place to invest your time to get the most powerful results.
Where the process came from
Building on 20 years experience of working in and creating value for the technology sector, this process maps and identifies sets of key behaviours that impact the quality of meetings and the ability to collaborate and innovate. Whilst every meeting is unique, the pattern of dysfunction is typically the same.
96% of business leaders agree that ‘effective communication is essential for delivering the business results expected of my team in the coming year'.Over nine in 10 business leaders say poor communication impacts productivity, morale, and growth, citing impacts such as increased costs, missed or extended deadlines, and reputational erosion.
What you’re going to get
Following the analysis, I will provide a report reflecting on what is and isn’t working, and what you need to do to resolve the issues. I’ll give you a straightforward and easy to implement plan to start helping people to communicate and collaborate in a more positive and effective way.

"In my experience, there are often a common set of issues that prevent teams from being engaged, productive and innovative. By making small changes to listening, communication and collaboration practices, a positive impact is felt immediately. "
Lisa Farron
Want to participate?
I am looking for teams who would like to get free insight into their team dynamics through meeting analysis. Contact me to get started.
1. What about privacy?
The recordings will only be reviewed for the purpose of providing insight. Once the report had been provided they will be deleted. They will never be shared with 3rd parties.
2. Will you identify individuals?
For the purpose of the action plan, it is not necessary to identify individuals, we will be looking at patterns of behaviour and interactions.
3. We already have great meetings, I don't think we will learn anything
Great! However, when you are working with the same people regularly, you can sometimes fall into patterns that are hard to see. A fresh pair of eyes can usually provide new insights.
4. I'm worried about exposing confidential company information, will you sign an NDA?
We can sign an NDA if you feel more comfortable. To confirm, we are not interested in the content of the meeting but on the how of the communication and collaboration.
5. What type of meeting should we record?
Any meeting where you are collaboratively working; making a decision (s), planning a strategy, working on product development, solving a problem. Most meetings should work except for the update meetings which just provide/report information.
6. When the team know that they are being recorded, does this influence what you see? Do people play up/tone down issues and how do you get around this?
Yes, telling the team will have an impact on behaviour. The first thing is to have a clear explanation of why it is happening to reassure that it is not only to discover the bad habits but also the positives. The second mitigation is having 5 recordings. Even though it might feel odd for the first one or two, by the time you get to the later meetings the recording/observation will feel less intrusive. And as people get stuck into a topic, that will also facilitate more natural interactions.
7. You state that you only use audio recordings – but presumably video would work better?
Either would work. Although video might add an extra layer of information, the interactions or behaviours that I will be listening out for will be obvious with just audio.
8. What about 'real life' meetings? Would it not be better to observe these – or is the service really only geared at online interactions?
It would be quicker for me to pick up issues in 'real life' but there is value in being able to pause, listen again, re-read a transcript and be able to reflect on what is going on. The 'observer paradox' (influencing the meeting) would likely be more prominent. If most of your meetings are now 'real life', contact me to discuss.*(The “State of Business Communication” report based on a survey conducted online by The Harris Poll in October 2021 among 1,001 knowledge workers and 251 business leaders in the U.S.) https://www.grammarly.com/business/business-communication-report

Change the nature of work646 Commercial Road,
London, England, E14 7HA